"Tune My Heart to Sing Your Praise"


Letting Love Be Our Guide

A blended musical style of worship is not always easy, but we see it as a formative opportunity to worship God as we love one another. Christ Community Church seeks to blend contemporary music styles with historic hymns in our worship. Not only does this allow us to appreciate God's delight in diversity (Rev. 7) but also reminds us that God invites us to love one another by giving up our private preferences for our neighbors to worship in a way they enjoy (Phil. 2:3). The 16th Century Reformer Jean Calvin puts this in a remarkably fresh way in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, IV.X.30: 

The up-building of the church ought to be variously accommodated to the customs of each nation and age. It will be fitting as the advantage of the church will require to change traditional practices and establish new ones.

Indeed I admit that we should not charge into innovation rashly, suddenly, for insufficient cause, but love will best judge what will hurt and edify. And if we let love be our guide, all will be safe.